Life Flourishes through Giving…

You might have heard about River Jordan, which starts from Mount Hermon near Syria-Lebanon border. Jordan river flows to north to feed Sea of Galilee which is 13 miles in length and 7 miles width,

Friends, we always want to receive and we love to receive. More, some more, some more and more. But what about giving. We don’t want to or we hardly want to. Very few of us have that noble heart of giving back…I observed people, whosoever gives, is a happy soul. I also observed, whosoever gives he never has short fall of any thing. But then why people don’t give easily??? Because we are programmed that way, we tend to hold what we receive and we are governed by the thought that, if we give, we will fell short of what we have. Today I am going to share a small real time situation with you which may probably bring a paradigm shift in the thought process.

You might have heard about River Jordan, which starts from Mount Hermon near Syria-Lebanon border. Jordan river flows to north to feed Sea of Galilee which is 13 miles in length and 7 miles width, A largest fresh water lake of Israel, which is full of life, has variety of birds like pelicans, raptors, Cranes flying in flocks, Imperial eagle etc. Captivating lake full of life & beauty..

On the other side, Jordan river when flows to the south feeds to the Dead Sea which is 50 miles long and 11 miles in width, a tourist spot but absolute no life around, no birds, no fishes, no plants. It is said that nearly 7 million tons of water evaporates daily leaving the dead sea more saltier than any other ocean in the world…if accidently any fish comes thru the fresh water , dies due to the minerals & salty nature of dead sea.

The Point here, I want to make is…why this happens, when the source of water ,River Jordan, is same for Sea of Galilee and Dead sea. When analyzed, we came to conclusion that, Life grows and is beautiful at Sea of galilee as it receives the water from River Jordan and gives the water back to river Jordan , so it has variety of fishes, plants, birds around…. where as dead sea only takes and does not gives back anything and as a result it has no life…Dead sea only contains the water, where as Sea of Galilee takes the water and gives it back and act as conduit.

Friends, You can only make the life flourished by giving back what you receive and not just by holding. I belong to one organization which has a core value of “Givers Gain” and “what goes around comes around” …one needs to inculcate this philosophy of “giving back” and make it deep routed. Be like sea of Galilee, receive and then give back so the life becomes more vibrant, healthy & beautiful. Avoid becoming dead sea, just receiving and containing. Finally, Source is same for everyone, it is up to us, whether we tend to be dead sea or sea of Galilee. Celebrate Life!!!

Kumar Zilpelwar – K Zi
Iconic Trainer
Performance Coach